Tips for Choosing the Right Reading Glasses

Difficulty seeing at close range or presbyopia can strike people in their 40s. Millions of people around the world have presbyopia and reading is difficult. People with presbyopia experience blurred vision, headaches, and eye strain, because they have to hold a book or look at a screen with reading glasses to see clearly.

One available and popular solution, easy to use, is reading glasses. These are glasses that use lenses that can help when reading or looking at electronic screens. Reading glasses can reduce eye strain and make reading more comfortable.

When do you need reading glasses?

If you have trouble concentrating while reading, drawing, sewing, or seeing text on your gadget screen that makes you feel a headache or your eyes feel tired after reading, it could be a sign your eyes need help. It is best to see an ophthalmologist or to get a reading glasses prescription.

How to choose the right reading glasses

Many people think that choosing and using reading glasses is a natural thing and you don’t need to choose too carefully, even though it’s not that easy, especially for those of you who need to use reading glasses for a long time, using inappropriate glasses can cause eye fatigue and headaches. because the eyes have to work hard and adjust continuously.

Reading glasses for women usually have a stylish design and are available in many models, while reading glasses for men usually appear simpler but still elegant, you can choose the style of reading glasses according to your wishes and of course, they are comfortable for you to use.

If you only experience eye problems due to age, without other visual disturbances such as astigmatism, or myopia, then reading glasses for the elderly can be the most appropriate solution. Here are some reading glasses you need to know.


Bifocal eyeglass lenses have two different focal points. Generally, the top or main lens is used for distance vision, and the bottom is used for near vision.

Trifocal Glasses

In these glasses, there are three focal points. The top of the lens becomes the focal point to help vision at a distance, the bottom of the lens helps regulate near vision, and the middle part helps vision at medium or medium distances.

Progressive Lens

These lenses differ from bifocals and trifocals. This lens can refract different light from the top of the lens to the bottom of the lens sequentially.